Many parents who choose to divorce worry that the process may have adverse effects on their children. This fear is well-founded, and parents should take care to keep their children as safe and securely grounded as they can throughout a divorce, no matter what the circumstances.
Of course, some divorces get uglier than others, and the more divisive the process is between parents, the more likely it is to have an effect on the children of the divorcing couple.
If you worry about the impact that your divorce may have on your children, the good news is that there are steps you can take to reduce the harm they experience. Divorce is a stressful experience for nearly every family, even when the parents agree that it is the best decision for all involved. Using a qualified divorce mediator helps ensure that your children’s best interests remain protected while you work toward a fair divorce agreement with your spouse.
Focusing on the important issues
Divorce mediators come to the negotiation table with special training that enables them to guide divorcing spouses towards fair compromises in the divorce process. For parents who hope to reduce the impact of divorce on their children, this is particularly useful.
While divorce is certainly painful for the parents involved, many children simply do not have the depth of understanding to navigate divorce. Many children take it personally or somehow believe that they are at fault in the break up, and this can lead to years of emotional trauma that may affect them in many areas of life.
By using a divorce mediator, parents have an opportunity to take on the most difficult experiences a child may encounter and turn it into a learning opportunity. Mediators do not look out for the best interests of only one spouse, but rather help steer both parties to compromises where all parties make some sacrifices and all parties win some, too.
Often, parents may choose to include their children in divorce mediation sessions, to ensure that the children’s individual perspectives remain a part of the negotiation process. This can be very useful when it comes to working out custody arrangements that put children’s needs first.
Protecting your rights as a parent
Mediators are an excellent way to take some of the combative tension out of divorce, but it is important to remember to keep your parental rights protected. Divorce can bring out surprising behavior in otherwise reasonable people, so it is wise to keep your priorities secure with a strong legal strategy as you work towards a divorce in Macon that respects the needs of every member of the family.