When parents who share custody consider moving, the decision involves much more than just packing boxes and forwarding mail. Relocating with a child when you share custody can be a complex process that requires careful planning and legal consideration. What should you...
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Child Custody
5 FAQs about child custody in Georgia
Understanding child custody laws in Georgia can be challenging. Here are five frequently asked questions that many parents have about the process. What types of custody does Georgia recognize? In Georgia, courts recognize legal and physical custody. A parent with...
Can your child decide which parent to live with?
One of the most frequently asked questions from parents going through divorce is whether their child can choose which parent they want to live with. While there is no one-word answer to this question, generally, a child cannot unilaterally decide they want to live...
Making co-parenting work: tips for parents
Divorce is a challenging experience for parents and children, and post-divorce life can take some time to get used to. However, like everything else in life, with patience and dedication, people can make it through to the other side. Co-parenting after divorce Many...
Can you get sole custody of your child?
As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is safe and happy. Unfortunately, you may find yourself in a situation where you believe protecting and nurturing your child requires you to obtain sole custody. What should you know about the process of seeking sole...
Important child custody tips for newly divorced parents
Child custody matters are often portrayed as contentious in movies and television shows. This doesn't have to be the case. It is possible for parents to work together to get child custody decisions made amicably.There are several things you should know if you are...
6 things for parents to think about before summer
Sharing a child with a parent with whom you aren't in a relationship with is a taxing process. One of the considerations you have to think about is how the summer months with your child will work.While it might seem like you have plenty of time to plan, now is the...
Fathers can benefit from a shared parenting plan after divorce
As a father going through the divorce process, you may have concerns about your future with your children.Since you want to be part of their life in the future, you need to consider all your legal options. For many, this means learning more about a shared parenting...
3 ways to include your child in custody decisions
Your child is getting older, and, as a teen, he might have an opinion on what he wants to see happen with custody or visitation times. You and your ex have always been there for your child, and you both want what's for the best, but as a young adult, your teen might...
Know your rights as a same-sex parent fighting for custody
Legal rights for same-sex couples in Georgia have been rapidly changing over the past year. A little over a year ago a Supreme Court ruling made same-sex marriage legal in Georgia. The ruling created new opportunities for couples in both marriage and as parents. In...