When you decide to get a divorce, one of the first things you should do is hire an attorney, which raises the question of how much a divorce attorney costs, and whether this will impact your decision to get a divorce. While in some cases, couples divorce without...
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Phone: 478-787-6415
Month: June 2024
Can you get sole custody of your child?
As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is safe and happy. Unfortunately, you may find yourself in a situation where you believe protecting and nurturing your child requires you to obtain sole custody. What should you know about the process of seeking sole...
Protecting your business during divorce: 4 steps to take
When business owners divorce, the stakes are high. The end of their marriage could potentially impact the stability and future of their company. If you find yourself in this challenging situation, there are specific steps you can take to safeguard your business. Seek...
Divorce and your retirement savings: 3 key questions
One significant hurdle that many couples face during divorce is dividing their retirement accounts. The fate of these accounts can impact not just their finances after divorce but also their comfort in their later years. What should you know about the challenging...
Changes to Georgia’s child support law that fathers need to know
Governor Brian Kemp recently signed a significant new child support bill into law. Senate Bill 454 introduces major updates to how child support is calculated in Georgia. These changes are crucial for fathers to understand as they could impact their financial...