Adoption is a huge decision that impacts everyone in the family. There are many steps to adopting a child in Georgia. Learning about what is going to happen can sometimes diminish stress as you work through everything. The adoption process isn't going to be speedy....
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Address common issues as a new single parent after divorce
There is nothing easy about moving from a two-parent home to a single-parent home. You have a lot of things to figure out now, but this doesn't mean that you can't work through all the challenges.You need to come up with a plan for addressing some of the most common...
What happens to a pension in a Georgia divorce?
Other than custody of a minor child, asset division is probably the most contentious issue in any divorce. You and your ex likely don't agree on what is the best or most fair way to split up your possessions. This can lead to protracted battles in court.Spouses often...
Living far from your child doesn’t mean not having a relationship
Child custody cases can include extreme circumstances. This can include parents who aren't living close to their children. These long distance relationships can be challenging for everyone involved, but this doesn't mean that they can't be successful or that they...
Will I get to keep my condo on the beach?
In your late 20s you had a stroke of good fortune, started making more money and you bought a condo on the beach. That condo has been a source of great joy for you over the years, and the thought of giving it up would leave you heartbroken. This is why you're so...
Choosing the path for your divorce
Once you know that a divorce is imminent, you need to make some difficult decisions. At first, these will be things like who will move out of the marital home and what will happen with the children. Another choice that you will have to make is what type of divorce...
Vacation plans must be carefully considered
When school is out, parents often take their children on vacation. Whether it is a week-long vacation or a shorter jaunt, the goal is to have fun and make memories with the kids. When you and your child's other parent are no longer together, it can be difficult to...
Divorce with an adopted child and the challenges ahead
Adopting a child is a beautiful experience. When you do so, you think that your little family will remain together forever. Sometimes, this isn't the case. There is a chance that you will face a divorce down the road. If this happens, you might be faced with having to...
What are your options when your ex stops paying child support?
Going through a divorce is an emotionally and financially difficult process. Whether the courts have already finalized your divorce or you're still waiting, you likely depend on the ordered amount of child support to properly care for your children. After all, taking...
How might a business impact a divorce?
Being married to a business owner isn't always easy. Having to deal with the schedule that can be unreliable and the fact that your husband might be called away at any moment to deal with issues related to the business can be challenging and stressful. For some women,...